This is my dev notes for the game. Some references to making a card game, which is ongoing
TP Man
I want TP… hehehe… TP for my bunghole!
Give TP?
If yes: I am cornholio!
You got: Astral TP
No: hehehehehe
Other Astral TP gain situations:
Tp Preservation Man
In a bathroom stall someone is sitting there. They ask help, if you activate on that door it says
“I could use a hand, do you have any TP?”
Yes: Finally, I can leave. I waited an eternity for someone to give a hand so I would not have to… use my hand. Take this.
You got Astral TP!
If no:
You can’t spare 1 square?
Also you can buy it from 1 person for 6900
Artificer making items with TP
Conjurer can summon with TP
Chef: Can use TP to make meals, which are consumed without need of action
Skill Serve: Ally heals, scales with m.attack
Summon Earth ally
Passive improved meditation
Magic Smith
He holds the veil together
Each day he repairs it more
Bring him ingredients to repair the veil more
Bring him food
Ringo voice?
Do you want to protect people or become powerful?
Traits - State Rate
Increase Poison chance
Increase Paralysis Chance
Increase Blind Chance
Increase Sleep Chance
Orc wants 30% of the gold = Reduce gold earn by 30% passive trait
You can walk up the crack in a wall, and start walking up ledges because of it.
“I stay here to ensure the veil is not broken. Who knows what is on the other side…”
What could possibly happen?
Well there are all these mysterious entities, and some of them worship powerful beings from these other dimensions. Take the fae for example. There is one fae realm of darkness called Dresful.
How do you do that?
“Did you know if you walk around long enough monsters will attack you? What’s this whole world coming to… I guess you could say this whole thing is driving me up the wall.”
“Did you know you can walk up the crack in a wall? What the hell kind of sense does that make?”
Australian accent
What if the hand is just another inventory? As in dealt with the same way in battle as inventory. You randomly get the cards. Glove lets you use the hand
17/02/2023. Trying to put magician pixel art in as sprite.. Does not work as 7x7 pixel
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