Saturday, 4 March 2023

Squire! Update

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Thursday, 2 March 2023

Squire Devlog part 2


Chimmy: Being a knight means you have to protect people. The people of Albenset, it is your responsibility to protect them. Can you feel it? The gratitude towards them? 

Gained the ability Protect!

Now there is something you should know: you can keep your current class and still be a knight, as there are various magic users and clerics working as knights. 



Think things over then, 

To do:

Make parallax map of church

Autonomous movement of enemy mobs toward player can increase in speed in later levels

Deck editor 

Add basic cards tab 

+1 Air element token

+1 Water element token

+1 Food card

+1 Arrows card


What are fun gameplay loops/things

Approaching enemies

Flying sword

Flying axes

Flying knives

Pokemon “Gyms” for earth, air, water, and fire

Looking how to make Blight state stacking. A plugin someone made can make “worsening poison” that gets worse when the victim is damaged. As it stands RPG maker does not let you stack a buff. 

I wanted it to be Each hit that applies Blight of 1% maximum health reduction, but I settle for %1 percent health reduction, going away after 99 steps 

Elemental Resistances and weaknesses

Plants Weak to fire and ice, strong vs water and earth

Ice weak to fire

Demons and undead resistant to dark and weak to light


Learned the importance of naming switches

Buffed Magician 

Buffed Flower Sister

Made cutscene

Released as .zip file on google drive

Made credits scene after Dragon quest so now I am thinking of how to make it even longer and better. Perhaps a new area opens up such as some hills move to reveal a new path. 

There could be an expedition that takes you to a new area or they could go to the Island of 1000 traps

Identify where monster encounters need to be fine tuned, i.e lower encounter rate near start screen, or make certain parts harder. 

Changed paralysis so that is lasts 50-100 turns and wears off after 100 steps instead of after battle.

Dispel Herb now also removes Blight and Burn

Realm Builder adaptation that takes notes from final fantasy tactics. Most action occurs in the overworld. 

In this version you would want a hand screen or hotkey bar at the bottom, so that you don't have to open up menu then hand every time.

Special ability Extended duel: enters battle screen and you can keep attacking. Perhaps warrior or knight uses this?

What about a version where instead of visible slots the cards just appear at the bottom and can be pressed with number keys? 

Card script if in deck go to hand. 

Draw phase 

Run Draw 

Draw script: if the top card in the deck:

Go to hand 

Deck is a list of cards where the order they are in matters. 1 is the card on the top, 2 is the second on top, and so on. 

Shuffle script: randomize the "list" of the deck

1.1 Changes 

More help tips

Inn added Near necro lair

Items that boost crit rate, accuracy, and mana regen added

Astral Realm zone

Abandoned Lands zone 

Infernal Realm zone

Base upgrade segment

Voice acting: For Blump’s voice I want to do something close to my natural voice, thinking something like Alucard from SOTN

Milordo Chimmy’s voice kind of like Deckard Cain but more grating and annoying in someparts

How to make voices of ambassadors and other NPCs be good instead of just doing Choose Goose voice 

Fixed problem that kept players from leaving the castle: a wall tile that looks identical to a floor tile, 4 gold squares, was used as the exit. This could be used for an annoying puzzle where the player has to walk around through identical 

Revised To Do List 28/02/2023

Music for different battles


Enemies added: Berzerker, Skybones, Kelpie, Taylor’s Bane, Psycho Lizard, Goreslash, Beltorian,  


Custom animations such as have my art fade in then out for a spell being cast

Found Effekseer, a program that makes special effects for RPG Maker. It comes with some good animations 

Got riddles to work:


Higher level bosses have state resistances

3d model of magician