Wednesday, 18 January 2023

Realm Builder on Tabletop Simulator

 You can try Realm Builder as a mod on the Steam Workshop for Tabletop Simulator:

Big Update: Free demo of Roleplaying Game Books

Roleplaying game version of Realm Builder has been made. A more in depth and more strategic version that has you making a character and adding to your character sheet. See Google drive link for Player handbook and Director's Guide:

Realm Builder Rules


In Realm Builder you battle with other players on a tabletop using cards and miniatures. The aim of the game is to restore your power to it's former glory, which is represented by playing cards from your deck on to the map.

The land of Albenset is a place where magic and the elements are an everyday part of life. Albenset is also your homeland as a protagonist in Realm Builder. It is your birthright as someone born in Albenset to harness the power of the cards. Cards in Albenset are not just physical objects, they are magical artifacts which can absorb things in to them, effectively trapping something within.

Albenset is a desolate land rife with poverty, the peasants there are only payed 1 booster pack a month. The redeeming quality of this place is the convenience that comes from card magic. You and other inhabitants have struck up a living through the sacred tradition of deck construction, with some techniques being passed down generation to generation. Some clans fill their decks with monsters and weapons while others focus on spells.

Sadly not all nations are adept at using card magic like Albenset. Your homeland is often the target for raids and attacks of extreme prejudice because of it's misunderstood nature. Outsiders will typically know little or nothing about the ways of an Albensetian other than to watch out for what they do with their cards. Despite the continuous raiding, Albenset is well defended on the account of the populace being able to summon some monster or tool to aid in various situations. Albensetians often build a deck to be able to deal with whatever life throws at them.

Even non-spellcasters use cards to store weapons, armour and other goods. Because of the usefulness of this ability, trading posts are common here. Albenset is an anarchistic nation where the people generally agree to not absorb other people in to cards against their will. A stone sculpture of a house of cards was erected to commemorate the generally agreed upon rule after several territories banded together against Albenset, condemning their magical atrocities. The spell for absorbing people has been forbidden ever since.

The kinds of magic people focus on in Albenset are conjuring and creating to summon something near them. Some people use effects from their cards to change an object in to something else, and these people are called transmuters. Whether a person has more talent for conjuring or transmuting can determine their profession, while most card users research how to use elements to cast spells. You have the ability to absorb things in to a card, such as elemental energy, wealth and food. Residents of Albenset adapted by gaining this absorb ability to add cards to their decks, having a tactical advantage by increasing chances of drawing a particular card.


The cost of a card is indicated by the numerical values written on it. There may even be additional costs involved in playing the playing of card, such as using your action. The values are wealth and elements. Your elements replenish at the start of your turn.

You as a character have a physical representation in the game world such as a miniature and a card you choose to be your self that you select to play as before the game starts. You can be any unit card except one that costs more than 7 combined wealth and elements (unless players agree to forego this rule to be dragons or whatever.) When you play a card the effect originates from your miniature on the map. The amount of cards you can hold in your hand is 7, discarding down to this amount at the end of your turn. Deck size is only limited to how many cards you can physically shuffle. Your starting hit points is 9 plus your card's hit points (each point of Size gives you 1 hit point). When you summon a unit or an object it appears in a square next to you.

Decide who goes first randomly. Place 1 Earth, 1 Air, 1 Water and 1 Fire beacon on to the map. These beacons have 2 hit points and are a source of their respective elemental type. Start game with 7 cards in hand. Mulligan or begin game. To mulligan: set aside any amount of cards from your hand and draw that many from the deck. Then mulliganing again costs 1 more card each time. After turn start draw 1 card per turn, yet do not draw if you go first. You lose when the miniature representing your self is destroyed or if you go to draw a card and your card representing yourself is not on the map. If you have zero cards in the deck and must draw, the card representing yourself is drawn to the hand, taking you off the map and discarding all cards attached to you. If you must draw a card while you are not on the map, you lose the game.

You may only have 4 copies of non-basic cards in the deck.

You can use 1 action per turn and move once per turn. Speed stat = how many squares you can move per turn. Possible actions:

  • Attack to do unarmed damage equal to your Agility stat

  • Absorb to put 1 element or 1 food in to a card, which is then shuffled in to the deck. Absorb an element from a source of that elemental type such as an Earth beacon.

  • Party Casting: another unit in your party may use your elements this turn.

  • Research: pay 1 wealth to go up in a research tree

  • Trade: you can give objects to adjacent units this turn

Units in your party can absorb cards to the deck for you. You can have units in your party play cards from your hand if they have the qualifications.

Food heals you when consumed. You can put on or take off 1 item from an inventory slot of feet, chest, legs, head, amulet, bracelet and accessory once per turn.

When you go to play a card and it is no longer possible to play that card because conditions have changed, it is sent directly to the graveyard.

Map Objectives: When placing terrain on the map before game start you may place a card from the top of your deck face down on top of terrain, making it into an objective. Contest objective by ending turn on it. Be the only player holding objective for 4 turns to add card to hand.

Map objective may include a house, a fountain, a hill, e.t.c.

Treasure chests can also be placed at an objective. Open chest for 10 Wealth.

Open chest by force: Get 6 or higher by rolling 1 for each 1 Guts you have

Open chest by smarts: Get 6 or higher by rolling 1 for each 1 Intuition you have

There is no maximum to placed objectives.

Connection Rule: When you summon something, if you cannot put it in a square next to you, summon it as close as possible and adjacent to a unit in your party if possible.

Syntax of You: Cards saying “you” refer to caster or unit card is on. A plot device card you put on a unit could read +1 Speed, +1 Agility, which would provide the bonus to the unit it is on. If another unit in your party casts a spell from your hand “you” means caster instead of you.

Stat System

Size: Gives 1 hit point for each 1 Size

Speed: Can move 1 square on your turn for each 1 Speed

Guts: Stat for defending against magic. Also gain +5 kilograms carrying capacity for each 1 Guts.

Agility: Represents physical strength and alacrity. Add Agility to your melee attacks. Unarmed does Crush type damage equal to your Agility.

Wit: Add Wit stat to ranged attacks.

Intuition: The measure of your magical ability. Read books more efficiently and have your spells be more powerful.

You can carry 30 kilograms before you are encumbered, which halves your Speed, rounded up.

Card Types

Unit: a monster you summon from the hand

Wealth: 10 wealth is free to play from the hand. 22 wealth costs 10 wealth to play, 34 wealth costs 20, 46 wealth costs 30, and 58 wealth costs 40.

Wealth is used to summon monsters or play other cards such as objects.

Elements: the 4 basic elements are Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Light, Dark, Ice and Metal energy can be gained as elements as well. Play element token card from the hand to permanently go up 1 of that type. Regain your spent elements at start of turn.

Spell Speed: play a spell anytime, even in response to another card. Action, Whole Turn, and Telegraphed type spells can only be played on your turn. The most recently played card resolves first if multiple cards are about to resolve.

Spell Casting Speed: Action requires your action as an additional cost.

Spell Casting Speed: Whole Turn requires your action and that you do not move as an additional cost.

Spell Casting Speed: Telegraphed requires you start casting at the start of your turn, your action, that you do not move, and finishes casting at the start of your next turn.

Plot Device: a type of card that stays on a unit, object, or location.

Buildings: structures that summon on to the map. Buildings take 1 less damage from Crush, Cut, and Slash damage types.

Plant: Cannot move. Gain action: photosynthesis. If damaged, you can photosynthesize to take in light. Put a heal token on plant, then if there are 3 tokens remove them all and heal 1 hit point.

Carnivores and Herbivores: carnivores can only eat meat and meals, herbivores can only eat plant food.

Object Type Units: a mechanical being such as a robot. Can not eat food to heal, yet can regain hit points from the Repair card.

Basic: has no rarity symbol (triangle, star, or circle) and a deck can contain any amount of a single basic card.

Protagonist: a unit designed to be a character you play as or a key figure in your deck.

Animal: Cannot use weapons or shields

Aquatic: Can move in deep water, but not on land

Amphibian: Can move in deep water

Game Formats:

Check Yourself:

  • Self is 10 hit points

  • Self is a unit + 9 hit points

Wealth limit of the unit you play as is 30 Wealth, past this players must agree

1v1, 2v2, 3v3

V.I.P mode: one very important person on your team must be kept alive or your team loses

Serial Killer: the player with the most player kills wins

Campaign: Each player has points to buy cards that start the game on the map. Players agree on a set amount of wealth and element tokens to buy cards with and can be played without cards.

Chaos Realm: classic free for all. Everyone draws from a single deck. Shared elemental beacons, deployed at random. Including Light and Dark beacons. Design deck based on multiplayer fun.

Terrain: Players take turns deploying scenery, models and structures on the map starting with the player who goes first.

Tournament Bracket: Players go against each other to be champion of the tournament in an elimination style bracket or “round robin” style where the losers can face each other to increase ranking


Armour: Some objects have hit points in the form of armour. Armour is deducted from your hit points before health can be damaged. Wearing an object that gives armour in the feet, chest, legs and head slots causes you to take 1 less damage from Crush/Cut/Slash types of damage. Opponent chooses what to remove armour from first.

Fire: if you start or end your turn in a square with fire in it you take 1 point of fire damage. Can be placed in occupied squares. Remove fire from game at end of turn if it if it did no damage this turn or last turn.

Even though structures take 1 less damage from all types, fire damage is able to deal 1 damage if it damages that square at start of and end of turn, and if fire damages a structure, it creates a fire in an adjacent square of that structure chosen at random at end of turn if that fire is still present.

Every 1 square of water removes 1 square of fire, taking both out of the game.

Water: You can move in water 1 square deep if it is to a square without water. A square of water always moves down to the lowest square possible, going in to an adjacent square if it is lower at the end of each turn. If you are in a square of water that moves you can try to stay in current square by rolling 1d6 for each 1 Guts you have. If you roll higher than the amount of squares of water in that body of water you can stay, other wise you must go with the flow. You may also choose to go with moving water. At the start of each of your turns if you are underwater: place a breath token on your self, then take 1 water damage for each breath token you have more than your Guts stat.

Fly: the ability to soar or levitate up, even diagonally. A unit that falls more than 3 squares takes 1 crush type damage for every square beyond the 3rd.

Stacks: Multiple of an object or unit can occupy a square, as indicated on the card by Arrows x10 meaning there are 10 arrows in 1 card, and so on. To stack things yourself spend 1 Speed on your turn to divide or add to your stack in any denomination. A unit may leave a stack to move to an adjacent square by using 1 Speed.

Tarot cards and Realm Builder cards available in Canada

 Tarot Cards $20

Realm Builder Starter deck $10 

3d model of magician